Should I hire a coach, or see a therapist?
As life coaching becomes increasingly popular it’s important that you understand how it differs from therapy.
My favourite analogy that I first heard from marriage coach, Maggie Reyes, is this:
Say you’re playing your favourite sport. You love it, have mean skills and have a strong desire to be the very best player you can possibly be.
The obvious solution here is that you’d hire a coach!
Your coach sees the entire picture. She sees what’s happening with the other team, with your team, with you as an individual and she’ll help you bring the best out of yourself to win the game!
Your coach isn’t in your life, she doesn’t have personal investment – she watches it from the outside to see (and help you see) what’s really going on.
Essentially coaching takes you from functioning to thriving!
Now, imagine you’re playing hard and you break your leg. In this case it’s time to call in the team Dr. who’s there to help you fix what’s broken.
The team still has a coach – it could even be the best coach in the league but she still can’t fix your leg.
When someone is non-functioning therapy is most likely the best option.
Most of therapy is focused on past issues, mental illness and traumas that need to be treated so you can move on with your life.
Whereas the future focus of life coaching helps the brain reprogram itself for the possibility of the future.
Life coaching and therapy are complimentary, and there is cross over, yet they’re definitely different.
If you’re doing ‘ok’ in life yet feel that there must be something more, or if something feels missing, let’s chat!
Go here and book a free hr. consultation where together we’ll see if coaching is the next best step for you!

P.S. I highly recommend Maggie Reyes to anyone wanting to level up in their marriage. Please check out her offerings here –